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News from around the web: 2009-10-20

Android 2.0 gets Facebook integration and a car mode With the 4G iPhone coming, will it be enough? - Apple leaps ahead with 47% profits surge No one's complaining about this, are they? RUMOR: Verizon and Apple Already…

News from around the web: 2009-10-17

Supply-Side Economics, R.I.P. | Bruce Bartlett Repudiation of Bush. Not all tax cuts are created equal. How Hillary Clinton Was Reborn As Secretary of State -- New York Magazine Is her star rising? Another Goldman executive…

News from around the web: 2009-10-16

Breaking the last racial taboo - Ben Smith - Bill de Blasio puts interracial marriage on display Google Brings Back The Growth In The Third Quarter. It looks like Google's firing on all cylinders. Obama wins first…

Picture of the day: Cat chases bear

This photo from Yves Smith’s antidote du jour was too good to pass up. You can think of the cat as the recovery stalking its prey and the bear as, well, a bear. The cat looks pretty tame though. Let’s hope this bear doesn’t come right back…

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