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Yearly Archives
Bank reserves and the falling loan to deposit ratio at US banks
While JPMorgan's Loan to deposit ratio is particularly low, the bank is by no means unique. LTD in the US is at the lows not seen in decades. On an absolute basis the gap between deposits and loans is now at some $2.4 trillion and growing.…
The Investment Climate in January 2014 in 7 Points
Here are seven themes Marc Chandler sees dominating the investment Climate from Fed tapering, to ECB reaction to disinflation to Australian and Canadian Dollars remaining out of favour.
The Eurosystem’s excess liquidity and the liquidity squeeze
The ECB's dovish forward guidance is clear and does not lack the doubts seen in the UK, or to a less extent, the US. However, in an usual occurrence overnight rates (EONIA) has moved above the refi rate (25 bp), when it should be trading…
The deflationary forces of online shopping
This past holiday sales season was weak for a number of retailers in the US. But, discounting was the culprit rather than poor demand by consumers. I see retail sales holding up but a shake out in retail is sure to come as the deflationary…
A few insights on Japan and thoughts about wealth confiscation and default
Abenomics is one of the most aggressive economic experiments we have witnessed in the post-Marshall Plan developed world. The questions is whether the massive stimulus campaign can work when politically there will always be discomfort with…
The roots of shadow banking
The ‘shadow banking’ sector is a loose title given to the financial sector that exists outside the regulatory perimeter but mimics some structures and functions of banks. This column introduces a new CEPR Policy Insight that looks into what…
Trust Preferred CDOs now exempt from the Volcker Rule
Yesterday, after some intense industry pressure, US regulators (OCC, FDIC, SEC, etc.) collectively announced that the bulk of the so-called TruPS CDO securities issued prior to May 19, 2010 will be exempt from the Volcker Rule. Let's take a…