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Faber: Market May Fall Below 1,100

Marc Faber told CNBC yesterday that he thinks the S&P500 could fall to as low as 1010 by the end of the ongoing sell-off. Faber also believes gold could fall. However, he believes both markets are oversold and is more keen to buy gold…

Watch the Hang Seng

We’ve posted many times on this blog about how the Hang Seng Index is one of our indicators species for global risk appetite. The index usually leads global markets on the downside and turns up before most.

Bear market is far from over

We believe that the market has now entered a major downtrend. It is a mistake to dismiss the slide we've seen to date as mindless and devoid of fundamentals as many strategists maintain. These are not just scary headlines----they are scary…

Suddenly It All Matters

A few weeks ago (July 7th) we wrote a comment entitled "Nothing Matters Until It Does". Now it suddenly does all matter, although all of the problems every one is talking about today have been pretty obvious for some time. These include the…

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