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In case you did not notice it, the much discussed "range" on the SP500 broke in spectacular fashion today as the short rollers bypassed the 1250 mark in the same style as the Germany panzer passed the Maginot line back in the early stages…

Yamada: Ready for a bond bear market?

Uber-technician Louise Yamada is now warning that the secular bear market in equities is likely to be joined by one in bonds as well.  In the video below, she talks with Bloomberg’s Pimm Fox about her view that bond yields are going to…

Major selloff coming?

Stock markets are seriously overbought right now.  But, the rally in shares has been bolstered by better than expected economic data and earnings reports.  I first pointed to a rally in shares in March, but I didn’t get fully onboard until…

Dow 4,000 still in the cards?

As you all know, I think we are in a secular bear market rally/cyclical bull market right now. So, yes, this has been and may continue to be a powerful up-move in shares worldwide. However, I am certainly not convinced we are off to the…

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