Links: 2009-06-13

Leader Limbaugh: Chalk One Up to Obama, DNC - 538 Limbaugh tops the list--not only among Democrats, but Republicans and all national adults surveyed--as the figure identified as "the main person speaking for the Republican…

The bezzle is shrinking

"In many ways the effect of the crash on embezzlement was more significant than on suicide. To the economist embezzlement is the most interesting of crimes. Alone among the various forms of larceny it has a time parameter. Weeks,…

Links: 2009-06-12

Letterman Defends Palin Jokes - Political Wire The jokes were over the top really. But Palin is obviously pandering to a certain segment of the population in her response here. Some of the routine was genuinely funny, but, on the…

Links: 2009-06-11

California nears financial ''meltdown'' as revs tumble Can you say "Bankruptcy or Obama?" Countrywide Exec Warned The Fed On Toxic Mortgages - Tom Lindmark Apparently, the head of risk at CFC was ignored not only by senior…

When will the U.S. recover?

Since so many economists are signing up to the second-half recovery meme (Berner, Gordon, Krugman, Bernanke), I am going to ask you whether you believe them or not. What say ye? (If you can't read the above it is a poll asking you…

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