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Links: 2009-06-16
Moody's bank downgrades, pain in Spain edition - FT Alphaville 25 banks get downgrades. Santander gets negative watch. Lincoln National to Take Federal Bailout Funds - DealBook Is this getting any press? They are not a…
A conversation with Richard Posner on Charlie Rose
Posner is touting his new book "A Failure of Capitalism: The Crisis of '08 and the Descent into Depression." This video with Charlie Rose runs just under 25 minutes.
Six Flags: setting the record straight on bankruptcy
You probably saw the mention of Six Flags’ bankruptcy in the links over the weekend (here’s the original article). It is a shame that the company has gone bankrupt. However, I was contacted via e-mail by a Six Flags spokesperson…
The Great Depression II meme
Last night I wrote an article reminding you that downside risk remains in the global economy. While I have been singing a more bullish tuneregarding the prospect of a technical recovery in 2009, I am concerned about a double dip as a…
Links: 2009-06-15
The crucifixion of Latvia - Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, Telegraph"Contrary to revisionist talk, Argentina was not a basket case. Its imbalances were no worse than those of the Baltics, Balkans, Spain, or Greece, and arguably better. It ran…
Is 2009 tracking a 1930 Great Depression scenario?
With more and more major economists predicting recovery sometime later this year, many have forgotten that downside risks remain. Berner, Roubini, Volcker, Krugman and Bernanke have all come out essentially saying they would not be…
Links: 2009-06-14
Geithner's Plan on Pay Falls Short - Yves SmithGeithner is not going to interfere in private companies' ability to make executive contracts. What is the likely outcome for pay then? How can pay be reformed?
What is Different this Time?…
Paul Krugman: Liquidity trap makes future ‘more or less speculation’
Will Hutton has a pretty good interview with Paul Krugman in the Guardian newspaper. The exchange is quite long, so it gives you a fairly broad understanding of Krugman’s view on the global economy and specific country economies. What I…
Low interest rates lead to overbuilding leads to demolition
The chain of events whereby easy money leads to malinvestment that impoverishes a society is now fully manifest in the United States. You remember Victorville, CA where new homes were being demolished because it cost more to maintain them…