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Daniel Kahneman speaks about Behavioral Economics at Georgetown graduation
The real lecture begins about 5 minutes through.
Links: 2009-06-06 the technology version
I have not been doing my technology links recently due to time limitations. So I am running a special tech version of the links. Every story in today's links is a tech story except the last two. My favorite is the Best Downloads story…
Reaction to President Obama’s speech in Cairo on Charlie Rose
From Charlie Rose’s site: “Reaction to President Obama's speech in Cairo with Mohamad Bazzi, Roger Cohen, David Ignatius and Robin Wright.”
FDIC Friday Night Special: Lincolnwood
Bank of Lincolnwood in Illinois is FDIC casualty number 37 this year. It is not very big. Below is the FDIC press release: Bank of Lincolnwood, Lincolnwood, Illinois, was closed today by the Illinois Department of Financial and…
Payroll data mixed despite the bullish headline job loss figure
The payroll data this morning were pretty good given the job losses came in nearly 200,000 less than expected. But further digging suggests the number is not nearly as bullish when parsing the data. Below are a few data points.…
Unemployment rate climbs to 9.4%
Only 345,000 jobs lost. This is a hugely bullish report despite the headine number. Markets are already reacting. Bonds lower (ten-year is getting killed, now near 3.90%), stocks higher.
Here is what the Department of Labor had to say…
A conversation about Prop. 8 with David Boies on Charlie Rose
This case is going to the Supreme Court of the United States. It will be a landmark ruling when the issue is decided. Take a look at what David Boies has to say about the issue.
Links: 2009-06-05
Today vs. the 1980-82 Recession - Menzie Chin
"While the job losses, foreclosures, stock declines and other casualties of the current recession have been very painful, substantially more bad economic news is needed to make this…
Mossberg: Palm Pre to Rival iPhone
The Wall Street Journal’s Walt Mossberg has a nice video explaining how much he likes the new Palm Pre smartphone and why he thinks it could rival the iPhone going forward. He thinks its a challenger to the Blackberry as well. It…
SEC Press Release on Mozilo’s fraud and insider trading
Here is the SEC press release regarding the fraud and insider trader alleged to have been perpetrated at Countrywide Financial, now a part of Bank of America (emphasis added):