News from around the web: 2009-09-25

I will be at the Clinton Global Initiative Forum all day today, so I doubt there will be any posts until this afternoon.  For Canadian readers, I am doing a TV interview at 12:30PM ET on BNN on Obama’s relationship with Wall Street.…

Credit quality deteriorates in 2009

This is just in from the FDIC (emphasis added below). It should make clear that the banking system is still weak: Credit quality declined sharply for loan commitments of $20 million or more held by multiple federally supervised…

The protectionism bogeyman

I have to admit to hyping the debate now swirling about protectionism. I believe that tariffs are not a very good solution to a trade problem as they are likely to result in retaliation and/or escalation. Moreover, they end up protecting…

News from around the web: 2009-09-24

Pay rules may prompt Goldman to shed bank charter | Reuters "Some investors believe Goldman Sachs Group Inc may try to shed its commercial banking charter to sidestep U.S. government efforts to rein in exorbitant Wall Street…

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