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Bearish on bank stocks
I think it should be abundantly clear that I am bearish on financials given my sell equities call two weeks ago. After all, it was the banking sector which I was most bullish on in April – August. They are also the stocks that have…
News from around the web: 2009-10-04
I am just getting back up to speed, so expect to see a few older links I flagged for myself but did not post in the past few days. Jobless rates rise in all U.S. cities in August | Reuters "Unemployment rates rose in all cities…
Janet Tavakoli on fraud, derivatives, and bankruptcy
Janet Tavakoli was a recent guest on “On the Edge with Max Keiser” and had some troubling things to say about the state of the present U.S. financial system. She believes the liquidity pumped into the system will not be sufficient…
News from around the web: 2009-10-03
Stanford Puts $1 Billion in Assets on Block - "Stanford University, which lost a quarter of its endowment last year, has put on the block as much as $1 billion of hard-to-sell investments ranging from private equity to real…
News from around the web: 2009-10-02
'Gold has proven historically to be a poor hedge against major inflations' - Telegraph "Professor Roy Jastram, of the University of California, conducted the longest-term analysis of this precious metal's purchasing power,…
Economic lessons for the day
This comes from an e-mail from reader Scott: Political Science for Dummies DEMOCRAT You have two cows. Your neighbor has none. You feel guilty for being successful. You push for higher taxes so the government can…
In light of recent comments made by both living former Federal Reserve Chairmen, I thought it appropriate to look back 22 years to the succession from Volcker to Greenspan. What follows is a blurb from a New York Times article circa…
Unemployment numbers still point to partial recovery
In July, I blogged on an interesting take on how employment affects equity returns during cyclical recoveries by Van Hoisington and Lacy Hunt. Their thesis was that a recovery in which employment lags the overall upturn significantly is…
Links: 2009-10-01
Could you spare a stimulus package? - Prieur du Plessis funny. Could be GM or Citi or anybody really. Koo: Government fulfilling necessary function - Prieur du Plessis "According to Koo, American consumers are…