Obama is pro-Death Penalty

Obama in his move to the center is increasingly alienating social Liberals/fiscal Conservatives like myself. He is either pandering to social conservatives or he actually believesthis stuff or both. The latest move that demonstrates his…

IndyMac: Another Banking Bankruptcy

See my list of Bankrupt global financial institutions for past news on IndyMac and other bankrupt financial institutions.This is a very big deal. It seems that the financial crisis has reached fever pitch now. Given the week we just went…

Denmark bails out Roskilde Bank

Earlier this morning, I read about the bailout of Roskilde Bank in Denmark through the Sydney Morning Herald. Roskilde Bank, whose shares performed the worst last year among the Nordic region's 86 financial companies, became the first…

News Round-up: 11 Jul 2008

Fannie and FreddieThe Fannie-Freddie Maelstrom Continues - WSJ MarketBeatThe Fannie and Freddie doomsday scenario - FortuneMcCain Says Fannie, Freddie `Vital,' Must Not Fail - BloombergKiss of death for Fannie, Freddie? -…

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