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Political Economy

Personality type may decide elections

Voters in America are concrete, specific, and focused on the here and now by a margin of 3 to 1. To me, this has a real impact on the outcome of primary and Presidential races as candidates must speak in a way that resonates with those…

China to get Iraqi oil

The Financial Times Deutschland is reporting that China and Iraq want to revive a Saddam-era oil contract between the two nation that is worth billions of dollars. The contract, an obvious economic coup for China, secures Beijing…

The 3 a.m. moment – McCain blows it

Ben Smith has a good column on McCain's bellicose response to Russia's invasion of Georgia. Even George W. Bush has shown more statesmanship here.‘Invasion of Georgia’—a ‘3 a.m. moment’When the North Caucasus slid into war Thursday night,…

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