Yearly Archives


links for 2011-09-21

Greece to front-load austerity, troika to return | Reuters "Greece pledged to bring forward painful austerity measures on Tuesday, convincing international lenders to return to Athens early next week…

A Policy "Twist" is Better than None

European market consolidates ahead of FOMC decision; GBP softer after potential for QE increases . Operation Twist is likely to be supportive of the dollar; dovish actions include QE and inflation target. Hungarian central bank likely to…

Holders of Sovereign Debt

Here’s a great chart just released by the International Monetary Fund for Greece, Portugal, and Ireland as well as Japan, the US and the UK. Note that almost half of the US federal government debt is held by the Federal Reserve and the…

links for 2011-09-20

Will the Senate Forget the Lessons from Japanese-American Internment? » Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union "The U.S. Senate is considering the unthinkable, changing…

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