The Chinese foreign reserve accumulation is really about the exchange rate peg. As long as the Yuan's dollar peg remains near present levels, the current account imbalance will result in an accumulation of dollar reserves. Former Morgan…
In case you did not notice it, the much discussed "range" on the SP500 broke in spectacular fashion today as the short rollers bypassed the 1250 mark in the same style as the Germany panzer passed the Maginot line back in the early stages…
A stalemate could mean selective default. However, my sense is that the bonds themselves will be paid first. Other government expenditures will not get paid and that means a hardship for those who expect the money, whether companies doing…
History has a message for us: No fiat currency has lasted forever. Eventually, they all fail. Morgan Stanley reported in 2009 that there’s “no historical precedent” for an economy that exceeds a 250% debt-to-GDP ratio without experiencing…
Coal is one of many natural resources which are in short supply. This article provides one example from India. Jeremy Grantham believes that peak resources is a phenomenon which will pose problems for the global economy in the future. He…
In my view, fiat currency is a confidence trick. The key to confidence in a fiat currency is the belief of citizens that the government issuing the currency will manage its finances in a way that promotes general “life, liberty and…
Rather than just send you to the link of Chairman Bernanke’s prepared remarks, I have coopied it hear and underlined the part you should pay attention to