Andy Xie Recommends China Diversify Out Of Treasuries
The Chinese foreign reserve accumulation is really about the exchange rate peg. As long as the Yuan’s dollar peg remains near present levels, the current account imbalance will result in an accumulation of dollar reserves. Former Morgan Stanley Economist Andy Xie says the Chinese do have a choice as to what US dollar assets to buy, even so. He suggests China diversify out of Treasuries and into other US dollar assets. Longer-term, he says the peg must go.
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Mish relays another good Petis piece on this
China is still going to continue to have reserves at the Fed as long as it continues net exporting to the US. If it wants to save in USD and is not happy with the IOR, then it has to switch those assets in its Fed deposit account to a Fed savings account, i.e., tsys.
If China would choose not to continue to finance the capital account to offset the current account, then its export share to the US will drop. Therefore, if China no longer wishes to save in USD, it needs to open its markets to US exports and it also needs more FDI in the US. Or else China needs to find markets and trading partners other than the US. This is not rocket science. The problem is not US finances. It is China’s own trade policy that it is causing it financial heartburn.
It could buy US real estate, particularly farms. It could then export all its produce back to China. That will create problems for the US.