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Asset bubble in Asia

The fundamentals in Asia are much stronger than they are in the U.S. or in Europe. This bodes well for a recovery in the region.  Nevertheless, there is reason to worry because here is a video warning about an Asian-wide bubble in the…

Does Ben Bernanke blow bubbles too?

During Alan Greenspan’s tenure at the helm of the Federal Reserve, he was often accused of using monetary policy to target asset markets so as to keep the party going.  In short, Alan Greenspan was seen by many, including myself, as the…

When Giants Fall: No green shoots here

I have been making bullish noises of late, but I am fully cognizant of all the downside risks.  So for the sake of presenting both sides to this argument, I want to highlight the ‘dark’ side in this post based on a book I have just read.…

Jon Stewart’s indictment of CNBC

Last night I featured a video from Jon Stewart that skewered CNBC, and specifically Jim Cramer. The video is quite funny as Jon Stewart's show is a comedy show. However, since that segment aired, Jon Stewart has decided to end the…

Manhattan real estate in freefall

This week's Barron's magazine highlights the abysmal state of the Manhattan real estate market. Manhattan was one of the last bubble markets to burst. Now, things are unraveling quickly, particularly at the high end. Some experts see…

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