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Treasury yields go below zero

The yield on he three-month U.S. treasury bill went below zero for the first time ever. This seems to be an unprecedented move where investors are actually paying the U.S. Government to borrow money. In my estimation, this is not just a…

Global asset re-pricing

It's about 7:45 AM ET as I write this and the overseas stock markets are getting hammered. I can't say I don't fear what is going to happen today because I do. We are witnessing a meltdown of unimaginable proportions that is not just…

The Housing Bubble and Bailout

The past few weeks I have been chronicling how Europe is fast catching up to the United States in terms of the magnitude of the housing bust and its effects on its economies. I'd like to turn back to the United States and Northern…

Peer pressure and bubbles

What has the housing bubble told us about market efficiency, social psychology and economics? Quite a lot, I believe.In the aftermath of the housing bubble, one thing is for certain: we can throw out the inane "Efficient Market…

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