Links: 2009-04-04

I have a ton of links today, so I have broken then out into sections. See the news feed for other stories. Finance Inside Obama's bank CEOs meeting - Eamon Javers - “My administration,” the president added, “is the only…

Traveling: Mexico and Germany

Over the next two weeks I will be traveling and will have a pretty sparse and sporadic posting schedule. Next week is Mexico and then the week after is Germany. I am definitely looking to post but it probably will not be in the quantity…

Switzerland gets deflation too

First Spain, now Switzerland: Consumer prices in March were down 0.4% from a year ago, the Federal Statistics Office said, a 50-year low. The country has been close to deflation all year, with inflation having fallen from a peak of 3.1%…

A few comments about mark-to-market

Because I received a message via e-mail that my previous post on mark-to-market was misleading, I thought I would clarify what is happening with FAS 157 and provide some good links. The long and short of the rule is it gives more…

Links: 2009-04-03

M2M Change = Time to buy banks? - FT Alphaville Recession Hits Social Security Increases “The banks” versus “some banks” - Paul Krugman Blog - Medvedev Renews Call for Alternatives to Dollar - Real Time Economics - WSJ…

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