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Now Is the Time to Buy Gold

China's plan seems to be to acquire a total of 6,000 tonnes of gold to put its holdings on a par with developed countries and to elevate the international appeal of the renminbi. Meanwhile in the futures market, the basic problem is that…

Nine Event Risks in the Week Ahead

The investment climate has proven extremely difficult for investors to navigate. Fed tapering and better world growth was to lead to higher interest rates. Yet interest rates for the developed world have fallen sharply in recent weeks.…

Recent Policy Developments in Russia

Russian Economy Minister Ulyukayev proposed a possible delay to the ruble free float from the current 2015 target. Remarks are noteworthy, as most officials have consistently said the float would come in 2015. He added that the ruble float…

Turkey Moves, Focus Shifts to Fed

- The most important development has been the dramatic rate hike by the central bank of Turkey - The effective tightening by the Turkish central bank was 2.25% - a lot less dramatic than the headlines would suggest - The rate hikes in…

BRICs under pressure

As the emerging markets contagion spreads, the BRIC nations are coming under increasing pressure in the capital markets. As discussed previously Brazil and Russia are witnessing new multi-year/record lows in their currency valuations.

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