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U.S Services contract too

The latest bit out from the U.S. is that the services sector has unexpectedly contracted.From Bloomberg News:U.S. service industries unexpectedly contracted in June as a gauge of prices soared to a record and employment reached an all-time…

U.K. Services Contract

After finding that UK and European manufacturing are in the doldrums, today we hear that UK services are also contracting. This surely must mean that the UK is in or will soon be in recession.From Bloomberg News:U.K. services from airlines…

Jobless Claims: 404,000

With a slew of layoffs ranging from airlines to banking, expect both claims data and the unemployment rate to spike up substantially. This week may be the first such week as jobless claims came in at 404,000, the 2nd time over 400,000 this…

ECB hikes key rate to 4.25%

So after much posturing about inflation and what to do about it, the Fed backed down, and the ECB stepped up to the plate. What the effect on currencies and the bond market will be is anyone's guess. But, given the Fed's rhetoric does not…

Florida sues Countrywide

From the Wall Street Journal: Florida Sues CountrywideThe Florida attorney general has filed a lawsuit against Countrywide Financial Corp. and its chief executive, Angelo Mozilo, alleging that the company engaged in deceptive and unfair…

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