Japan likely to have its 7th PM in 5 years by next week - The Globe and Mail
Prime Minister Naoto Kan's government has grown deeply unpopular due to its perceived mishandling of the devastating tsunami and…
Safe havens decline against backdrop of improved risk appetite; stocks and oil both up over 1%. EZ PMIs and Norwegian GDP both surprise to the upside; attention shifts to Richmond Fed in NY. EM markets supported by flash China PMI; Russia…
The over-indebted American consumer will be hard pressed to simultaneously reduce debt and maintain levels of consumption that support economic growth. On CNBC today, Stephen Roach of Morgan Stanley says, we need a debt jubilee for…
The latest round of EU GDP data, brought to light a reality which many who have been closely following the economies of Eastern Europe already suspected: that the heavily export dependent economies in the region would almost inevitably be…
Capital preservation has once again has become mantra. The safety offered by Japan and Switzerland are meeting resistance from policy makers. As the market looks for alternatives, the Swedish krona has much to offer, including a relatively…
“Taxes drive money”—these “money things” are accepted because there are taxes “backing them up”, not because they have embodied gold. As promised, this week I will begin try to dispel the view that coins used to be commodity monies.
By Michael Hudson
The State and Local Budget Crisis
The cost of the 2011 cutbacks in federal spending will fall most directly on consumers and retirees by scaling back Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and social spending programs.…
Motorola’s Value to Google Found in 18 Patents - Bloomberg
Among Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc.’s more than 17,000 patents, a group of 18 may prove most useful in Google Inc.’s effort to fend off…