Links: 2010-02-19 – Canadian housing bubble, Brazilian bonds and more

  1. LavrentiBeria says

    Nothing on the Joe Stack craziness? Could it be that the Tea Party brownshirts will turn him into their Horst Wessel?

  2. Glen says

    Should see the housing bubble in Australia! The Reserve Bank is very concerned about it but stops short of actually calling it a bubble. Could you imagine the absolute panic that would set in if the RBA announced that we had a housing bubble? I’d love to see that!

  3. LavrentiBeria says

    Also, nothing about the CPAC annual Nuremberg Rally? God knows, with Joe Stack now their Horst Wessel and Glenn Beck playing Ernst Roehm to Ron Paul’s Tea Party brownshirts, these reactionaries just might succeed in finding a way to end unemployment through starvation after all.

    1. Edward Harrison says

      The latest I hear is that the Tea Party has turned against Paul. As I am still getting back to full speed after a week-off I don’t have all the details yet, but it may be in today’s links. Clearly the mainstream Republicans are co-opting the Tea Party for their own purposes.

      1. Marshall Auerback says

        Time for a 3rd party (or emigration to Canada or Australia)!

        In a message dated 2/21/2010 10:39:35 Mountain Standard Time,


        Edward Harrison wrote, in response to

        The latest I hear is that the Tea Party has turned against Paul. As I am
        still getting back to full speed after a week-off I don’t have all the
        details yet, but it may be in today’s links. Clearly the mainstream
        Republicans are co-opting the Tea Party for their own purposes.

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      2. LavrentiBeria says

        Yes, indeed, the Tea Parties are opera buffa. And Paul himself isn’t helping. Asked by Rachel Madow to disown Sarah Palin’s endorsement of his son’s Senate campaign in Kentucky, Paul abjectly refused, awkwardly trying instead to talk his hypocricy out of existence:

        If Paul were the principled, anti-war, anti-interventionist he holds himself out be, and not a self-seeker, both he and his son would openly renounce the support of a warmonger of Palin’s description. But, then again, Paul lacked the personal honesty to launch an independent candidacy in 2008 when he had the money to do so, preferring instead to hold onto his Republican House seat. Paul’s mother would seem never to have taught him that he’s known by the company he keeps.

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