Monthly Archives

May 2009

Links: 2009-05-06

GM details plans to wipe out current shareholders | Reuters General Motors Corp on Tuesday detailed plans to all but wipe out the holdings of remaining shareholders by issuing up to 60 billion new shares in a bid to pay off debt to the…

When Giants Fall: No green shoots here

I have been making bullish noises of late, but I am fully cognizant of all the downside risks.  So for the sake of presenting both sides to this argument, I want to highlight the ‘dark’ side in this post based on a book I have just read.…

Links: 2009-05-05 - Spanish banks lead the way in risk management Spain's banks are beig praised for risk management, much as Canadian banks are. The Cajas are a different story. "Managers believe that this intense board-level focus on risk is one…

Asia is de-coupling

A post from Reuters in overnight trading in Asia caught my eye.  It proclaimed “Asia faces up to challenges of global crisis." What I found particularly interesting about the post was the fact that the Asians had set up a $120…

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