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Outlook for Spain: Recession

The well-deserved euphoria over the European Championship in football has brought welcome relief to Spanish consumers, weighed down by a slow economy. However, global economies have not decoupled from the U.S. slowdown. European economies…

Banco Santander is very confident

Banco Santander, to date, has looked very robust as a financial institution in weathering the credit crisis. Despite significant exposure to bubble markets Spain and the UK, the company has not been required to write down a large amount of…

The case against the Euro

I am a Euroscpetic. I admire the political will of Europe's grand designers in creating the Euro, but I have always felt that harmonisation would be a painful process fraught with tension - especially during economic downturns. And so it is…

Spain: Week’s News Round-Up

This is a Spanish-language only News Round-Up on the economic situation in Spain from El Pais.Zapatero pisa el acelerador por la crisis¿Crisis? ¿Qué crisis? "Escenario de dificultad", "periodo de ajuste fuerte" o "desaceleración profunda de…

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