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Links: 2009-10-27

CyanogenMOD Hits Stable 4.2.1 Release, Reduces Home Screen Lag - Lifehacker Very good hack FT Alphaville - South Korea in a won-win situation Ex-Morgan Stanley's Stephen Jen is bullish Helicopter Crashes Kill 14 Americans in…

News from around the web: 2009-10-04

I am just getting back up to speed, so expect to see a few older links I flagged for myself but did not post in the past few days. Jobless rates rise in all U.S. cities in August | Reuters "Unemployment rates rose in all cities…

News from around the web: 2009-09-25

I will be at the Clinton Global Initiative Forum all day today, so I doubt there will be any posts until this afternoon.  For Canadian readers, I am doing a TV interview at 12:30PM ET on BNN on Obama’s relationship with Wall Street.…

News from around the web: 2009-09-06

iPhone makes worldwide loss, says report While Orange and T-Mobile compete with O2 to sell the iPhone in Britain, a report by Denmark's Strand Consult reveals how it makes a loss for providers and struggles against other phones…

Weekend Links: 2009-08-30

Our quarter-century penance is just starting - Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, Telegraph All that has happened over this crisis is that huge private losses have been dumped on society: but the losses are still there, smothering the economy.…

News from around the web: 2009-08-06

Calculated Risk: Google Maps Shows Foreclosure Status You can get data on just about anything these days. Amazing maps. Almost scary. Fannie Mae seeks $US10.7b in aid after loss Here's a thought: if Citi were in government hands…

News from around the web: 2009-07-25

Bernanke: 25 mega-firms are systemically vital - MarketWatch That's a lot more than the biggest banks we hear about Economist's View: From 1983: Health Care Reform in Canada Echoes of the debate today in the US Eliot Spitzer:…

Links: 2009-07-16

Finance and Economics US group calls Fed 'tarnished,' demands risk monitor - Reuters Donaldson and Levitt don't want the Fed as SiRR. Securitization Group Wants Greater Risk Disclosure by Lenders - HousingWire What Wall Street owes…

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