Browsing Tag

interest rates

Outlook for Swiss National Bank

by Marc Chandler The Swiss National Bank meets Thursday. A change in its monetary stance is not likely for several months at least. However, the SNB will provide new GDP and inflation forecasts that investors may find helpful. The Swiss…

Rosenberg: Ten Investment Themes for 2011

The following is an excerpt from David Rosenberg's recent Lunch with Dave daily research piece highlighting Ten Themes for 2011. These themes are quite a bit different than the ones we highlighted just days ago from former colleague Richard…

ECB: Where is the Shock and Awe?

by Marc Chandler The Financial Times reports that as Trichet was holding a press conference after the recent ECB meeting, European central banks were buying large amounts of sovereign European bonds. Reports suggested that the amounts were…

In Bullish Mode

I was on BNN this past Friday talking to Howard Green about China, banks and GE. My comments were pretty near-term bullish on the whole regarding Chinese growth, bank dividends, and bank reforms. The longer-term is another issue. Here's…

Brazil Rate Hike Chatter Picks Up

by Win Thin Chatter about possible Brazil rate hike today is picking up after November IPCA inflation rose 0.83% m/m and 5.63% y/y. The y/y rate is the highest since February 2009, when the SELIC policy rate was 12.75%. While there is a…

The Dirty Dozen

In the following post I list a number of risk factors which I believe investors should give serious consideration, but I do not for one second pretend for that list to be exhaustive. Neither should you read anything into the order of which…

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