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A few thoughts about China and their bluff on treasuries
Marshall Auerback here.
Here is my take on Chinese Premier Wen's recent statements. At the end of the day, too many people seem to be working on an old gold standard type of model in the sense that there are implied limits in terms of…
Links: 2009-03-14
Lawrence Summers on the Crisis - NY Times
Vacancy on the Supreme Court? - Political Wire
Stress Test Zombies: Not Too Big To Fail? Tough Tootsies Little Banks! - Chris Whalen
There's nothing unique about Jim Cramer - Salon
Madoff: From Penthouse to the Big House
The Wall Street Journal video gives the scoop.
Jim Cramer on CNBC: Any mention of Jon Stewart?
No. Better to just forget about it, huh?
Instead he talks about recent statements by the Obama Administration. hmm.
Is CNBC chastened?
B&B: Australia’s 2nd largest investment bank is bankrupt
The goings on down under are not getting that much play in the press outside of Oz. But, Babcock & Brown, Australia's second-largest investment bank has just gone under.
Mark to market is beside the point
Everyone is talking about marking to market as if its elimination is a silver bullet. So far as the economics goes, I am not sure that mark to market is such a big deal. The whole point of the banks is to make loans and hold them. Look at…
Fitch statement on downgrading Berkshire to AA
By now you have heard that Warren Buffett's bets on GE, Goldman, and Swiss Re and his derivatives positions have earned him a downgrade from Fitch Rating Agency. Below is the Fitch statement. I have highlighted the key sections.
China’s Premier concern about U.S. Treasuries not good news
Relying on the kindness of strangers is not a very good way to ensure one's fate. However, this is certainly what the United States has been doing in running about a mountainous current account deficit. America's largest creditor is now…
Mexico’s economy is weakening
On Wednesday I posted an article that pointed out a largely positive review by Morgan Stanley of Mexico and their economy. Having noticed a negative bias in the article, I amended it to reflect the tone originally given in the Morgan…
Jon Stewart’s indictment of CNBC
Last night I featured a video from Jon Stewart that skewered CNBC, and specifically Jim Cramer. The video is quite funny as Jon Stewart's show is a comedy show.
However, since that segment aired, Jon Stewart has decided to end the…