Links: 2009-06-24

I have bee off for a couple of days but plan on returned to full force later today.  Here are the links from the past few days minus tech and blog-related items.  If I have a lot more links, I will post them this evening. El…

What about inflation?

The real worry right now should be deflation, as we have not yet beaten back all of the ill deflationary effects of the financial crisis.  Nevertheless, a growing number of market participants see inflation as a longer term…

Links: 2009-06-22

Public Support for the Public Option - 538 More evidence that the American public supports a public plan Obama’s Make-or-Break Summer - Frank Rich, NYTimes Forget the first 100 days. Obama's test begins now. Is it…

Links: 2009-06-20

Moody’s Joins S.& P. in Warning on California Debt - Deal Book Always late to the party. The Plaza Stirs - NY Times "Few developments rode the wave of high prices in the Manhattan residential real estate the way…

Server maintenance tonight

We expect to have a brief hiccup in service later tonight due to maintenance.  I apologize for the inconvenience.  Hopefully, we will be offline for a very short time. Regards.   Edward

Cities on the brink

Here’s a good segment from CNBC with an interview from two city mayors, the mayor of El Centro, CA that has 26.9% unemployment, the highest in the nation, and the mayor of Flint, MI, which is imploding due to the decline in the U.S. car…

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