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Obama job approval now below 50%
This comes via Gallup: The latest Gallup Daily tracking results show 49% of Americans approving of the job Barack Obama is doing as president, putting him below the majority approval level for the first time in his presidency.…
Morgan Stanley expects 10-year yields to rise 220 bps in 2010
Morgan Stanley’s piece on Treasuries Priced for Perfection...for Now! is pretty bearish. The basic gist is that while the ten-year represents fair value today, because inflation expectations have become unanchored, Morgan Stanley expects…
Largest U.S. refiner Valero now permanently shutting capacity
Valero Energy has just announced it is shutting down its Delaware City Refinery. This is a major news announcement because refiners should be seen as a canary in the coalmine for end-user demand and Valero is one company in the oil…
News from around the web: 2009-11-20
Nationwide Says British House Prices May Fall on Job Losses - Investors ask Goldman to be less greedy: report | Reuters BBC News - Tobacco firm Philip Morris to pay out $300m in damages Susan Boyle Makes Amazon…
Ivy Zelman: “Home prices are going back down”
The Mortgage Bankers Association is reporting that nearly one in ten households with mortgages are at least one payment behind. That is a record, my friends. And it certainly means we cannot believe house prices have permanently…
Gross isn’t buying corporates, high yield or equities even with zero rates
I pick up Bill Gross where I left him on Friday. He said in his monthly newsletter that the Fed is going to keep interest rates at zero percent through 2010. But, he is not willing to stick his neck out in a liquidity seeking return…
What would an alternative to bailouts have looked like?
I have written extensively about how I believe the bank bailouts were the worst of all possible solutions – fixes that perpetuate too big to fail, moral hazard and crony capitalism. That ship has sailed, but the questions still linger…
Tim Geithner defends himself before Congress
Video embedded below. See also Democratic Rep. DeFazio Calls for Geithner and Summers to Be Fired - Yves Smith
If the U.S. stopped issuing treasuries, would it go broke?
Here’s another interesting piece from Randall Wray, the economics professor from University of Missouri-Kansas City (that same school which employs Bill Black of “The Best Way to Rob a bank is to own one” fame).
Wray has a lot to say…