James Montier does MMT

It seems that a lot of analysts have caught onto the MMT framework popularized by the late economist Wynne Godley and made topical in this downturn by Rob Parenteau of the Richebacher Letter. We have seen Martin Wolf use Godley and…

Is Brazil Overheating?

Given near universal austerity measures in Europe and thoughts of the same in the US, increasingly it looks like the emerging markets are expected to do the heavy lifting to sustain a global recovery. As I said recently, "for the…

Under Stress

After a long and rather tense wait, the initial response to the publication of the European bank stress tests was always going to be something of an anti-climax. Indeed the results should hardly have comes as a surprise to anyone It is…

On race and politics and other links

More On Race and Politics -  My take: when the chips are down, people look for someone or something to blame.  For a good example of how xenophobia increases during economic hardship, see my post Mexican Repatriation: The Great…

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