News round-up: 9 Aug 2008

Markets Rand down 10% in five days - Fin24 (It's not just major currencies) Party crashers: China's stock markets dive as Games begin - LA Times Auction-Rate Buybacks: The Bottom Line - Deal Book Politics…

Are NATO expansion plans smart?

Now that Russia has finally gotten belligerent after many a provocation, one has to ask whether the U.S. NATO expansion plans have been wise. Basically, the U.S. has tried to offer every Eastern Bloc country it could safe harbor under NATO…

McCain and his anti-Russia rhetoric

I am sufficiently concerned about John McCain and his foreign policy creds to write a blurb about his anti-Russia rhetoric and its likely effect now that Russia is on a rampage in Georgia.My colleague Lisa Lerer, traveling with McCain,…

Loss aversion and finding a bottom

About five years ago, Daniel Kahnemann won the Nobel Prize in Economics for his work on Behavioral Economics. This was a breakthrough because the financial markets and the economics profession had been dominated by the "efficient market,"…

News round-up: 8 Aug 2008

Top BillingSolutions may make credit crunch worse - BBC News (a good read for understanding why tinkering makes it worse)EarningsFannie Mae Posts Fourth Straight Loss, Cuts Dividend - Bloomberg (Following FreddieMac, wasn't it obvious…

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