Chart of the day: interest rates

The global economy is in the relatively unique but unenviable position of being bullied by both recession and inflation at the same time. This leaves central banks in a bit of bind. The Federal Reserve has thrown all caution to the wind…

Bankrupt Danish Bank Roskilde sold

The bankrupt Danish Bank Roskilde received no bidders as the Central Bank of Denmark looked to unload the bank as quickly as possible. Roskilde got into trouble after the Danish economy turned down and loans it had made to home builders…

Guest Blogger: Marshall Auerback

I am happy to announce that I am going to feature a guest blogger every week at the weekend. My guest host will be none other than Marshall Auerback of Prudent Bear fame.Many of you may recall, Marshall wrote the international column at…

UK mortgage crunch

I was listening to a money programme about the credit crunch in the UK this morning on my iPod Wake Up To Money (Podcast). They were discussing ways in which the credit crunch was made manifest to home buyers in the UK. In the broadcast,…

Random Musing: Technology vs. workers

When we think about outsourcing, we usually think about Call centers in India or manufacturing jobs in China. Well, what about automatic cashiers?I went to the local CVS (Shoppers Drug Mart or Boots for Canadian and British readers) this…

Flight to quality?

Since June, bond yields have fallen to the point where the U.S. government is getting paid to borrow money right across the entire yield curve. The 10-year is 3.8%, while inflation in the U.S. is 5.6% . What gives? This is either a flight…

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