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Credit Writedowns is now on Twitter

I have actually been on Twitter for some time now. But I wanted to update all of you with some social networking features the site now has and ways you can get more out of the content. Today, I will just talk about Twitter. Twitter I…

Links: 2009-06-30

Moodys pone en perspectiva negativa cdulas hipotecarias de Bancaja y CAM - Finanzas Moodys is downgrading Spanish savings banks. There is still significant weakness in the financial sector in Spain. The Spanish desperately want a…

Links: 2009-06-29

Unfortunately I was out this weekend and did not post the 5 bank seizures by the FDIC on Friday.  They are below in the links. China's banks are an accident waiting to happen to every one of us - Ambrose Pritchard-Evans, Telegraph…

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