SNL skewers Barack Obama

You probably have heard about the Saturday Night Live skit poking fun at President Obama for allegedly not leaving a very robust list of accomplishments behind after 9 months in office.  So, without further ado, here it is. NPR says:…

News from around the web: 2009-10-05

Bronte Capital: Are the Spanish banks hiding their losses? Looking at the American data John is dubious about Spain like Edward Hugh. It seems a bit hard to believe we could have a depression-like environment in Spain without a serious…

Night Time Reading: 2009-10-05

I am going to double up on links today as I have a lot that I have found with more sill to come tomorrow morning. Enjoy this lot.   Is the Swiss Health Care System a Good Model for US? - Gary Becker The Swiss health care system…

Bearish on bank stocks

I think it should be abundantly clear that I am bearish on financials given my sell equities call two weeks ago.  After all, it was the banking sector which I was most bullish on in April – August. They are also the stocks that have…

News from around the web: 2009-10-04

I am just getting back up to speed, so expect to see a few older links I flagged for myself but did not post in the past few days. Jobless rates rise in all U.S. cities in August | Reuters "Unemployment rates rose in all cities…

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