News from around the web: 2009-10-16

Breaking the last racial taboo - Ben Smith - Bill de Blasio puts interracial marriage on display Google Brings Back The Growth In The Third Quarter. It looks like Google's firing on all cylinders. Obama wins first…

Huge property bubble in China

The following post is from Stratfor via John Mauldin, who is a Best-Selling author and recognized financial expert. He is also editor of the free Thoughts From the Frontline that goes to over 1 million readers each week. For more…

Greed is not good

In the 1987 movie classic Wall Street, the sinister protagonist Gordon Gekko played by Michael Douglas gives this famous quote: In the last seven deals that I’ve been involved with, there were 2.5 million stockholders who have made a…

Picture of the day: Cat chases bear

This photo from Yves Smith’s antidote du jour was too good to pass up. You can think of the cat as the recovery stalking its prey and the bear as, well, a bear. The cat looks pretty tame though. Let’s hope this bear doesn’t come right back…

Jobless claims now down to 514,000

For the latest week, U.S. jobless claims hit 514,000, the lowest level since early January. This brings the widely-tracked four-week average down to 531,500, also a 9-month low. In addition, continuing claims fell below 6 million for the…

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