Links: 2009-11-10

Financial Armageddon: In-Your-Face Influence Peddling - Not all bubbles present a risk to the economy (Blinkered Fed thinking on asset bubbles. Reminiscent of the Greenspan era.) Fitch Says U.K. Rating Most at Risk Among…

News from around the web: 2009-11-09

I am feeling fairly ill so posting will be light today. Hopefully, I will back in shape tomorrow. VIDEO: Former Brit Ambassador Craig Murray Says UK and USA Sent Prisoners to Uzbekistan for Torture Part 1 Patrick J. Buchanan…

The politics of economics

In the wake of a few significant elections in the American states of New York, New Jersey and Virginia, a lot of pundits are putting their spin on what these elections mean for Barack Obama and his political agenda. On the whole, I find…

Wu-Tang Financial

This is pretty funny. Hat Tip Rob Johnson and New Deal 2.0. Source Money performed by Cypress Hill - What does "dollar, dollar bill, y'all" mean? – Yahoo! Answers

May the Lloyd be with you

That’s how my friend Jeff described the most recent flap over a banker allegedly using religion to defend the industry. If you haven’t caught it, Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein was quoted in the Sunday London Times as saying “we have a…

Rick Bookstaber to join SEC

For those of us interested in seeing more robust and knowledgeable regulators in government service, the recent news that Rick Bookstaber is joining the SEC is quite welcome. While I disagree vigorously with much of recent economic policy,…

News from around the web: 2009-11-08 | Erinnerungen an den Mauerfall: Merkel hat nach der Sauna rübergemacht Top brains shun Ireland as smart economy withers -  (Science funding is drying up) Bank of Ireland set for state ownership -…

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