Links: 2010-01-11

More links are available in the news feed (also available as an RSS feed). Hank Greenberg's Self-Serving, Largely Off-Base Salvo at Goldman - naked capitalism Selling from retail investor will outlast buying from hedge funds - The…

The Chinese bubble economy

The well-regarded and surprisingly independent Beijing-based media outlet Caijing is no more. The site is up, but the content is frozen in time, nothing having been written since early November. Happily, Caijing editor Hu Shuli has now…

Links: 2010-01-10

Many more links are available at the news feed (which is also available as an RSS feed). Main Street to Wall Street: We don't buy the rally The people of Iceland deserve our sympathy | Business | The Observer Financial…

Obama: The Transactional President

Reading the news today, I came across an NPR article that I believe captured the political mood in the U.S. rather well.  While the stress of the article is on disillusionment from Obama’s base of supporters, I believe much the same…

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