Banks are never reserve constrained

In a fiat money system, there is not a very good correlation between base money and M1 and credit because reserves don’t create loans. In practice, the lending operations of commercial banks have no interaction with reserve operations. Lenders simply take applications from customers who seek loans and assess creditworthiness and lend accordingly.

In approving a loan, banks instantly create a deposit, a zero net financial asset transaction – and this happens entirely independently of the reserve requirement. In Australia, Canada, Sweden and New Zealand there are no bank reserve requirements.

Chart of the Day: Excess Reserves

So, let’s talk about the banking sector, bank capital, leverage and fractional reserve banking for a second.

Capital and Leverage

Banking is problematic because it creates an inherent financial instability due to a potential mismatch between a financial institutions’ liabilities and its assets. Many financial institutions have fewer liquid assets than short-term liabilities and demand deposits. Moreover, if a financial institution gets into trouble from reckless lending or investing, it could sell its assets in order to cover its liabilities; but this would result in fire-sale prices. So even if the bank had enough assets to cover its liabilities, a run on the institution could render it insolvent, cascading its problem down the line to its own lenders.

Leading up to the credit crisis, the Federal Reserve under Alan Greenspan relaxed the investment banking net capital rule, effectively allowing them to increase their leverage tremendously. This was an extreme act of reckless anti-regulation by the Greenspan Fed which had disastrous results when the investment banks’ investments went pear-shaped in 2007 and 2008, resulting in a run in the wholesale lending market. Yet, the relaxed anti-regulatory stance remains in effect today. That means another major asset downturn would create the preconditions for similar runs and insolvencies. Anyone who wants greater economic stability understands this is a problem. Some people like Simon Johnson have argued we need much more capital for these banks, as much as 30%.

But capital is not reserves. Capital is capital. Reserves are another matter.

Fractional Reserve Banking

Some people still believe in the money multiplier taught in old economic textbooks that fractional reserve banking has banks taking deposits, multiplying them as much as possible, subject to the reserve ratio, and making a much larger amount loans. That is not how it works. In practice, banks don’t wait for the reserves to be available to issue loans. They make loans first and then borrow the reserves in the interbank market. The loans come first, not the reserves.

Banks are never constrained by reserves or reserve ratios. Banks are capital constrained. In our fiat money system, the central bank uses reserves in the system to help the it hit a target interest rate. So, the central bank provides the system with enough reserves to meet any reserve ratio at its target rate. The reserves are about helping set interest rates, not about pyramiding money on a reserve base.

Understanding this should also help you understand why QE has been a boon for financial speculation but a bust in the real economy:

Now, the money multiplier – which is the mathematical ratio of base money to larger monetary aggregates like m2 m3 or MZM – exists. It’s just that the Fed doesn’t control it. They can print all the money they want, but if creditors and debtors aren’t solvent there isn’t going to be any additional lending. They are pushing on a string

Does the Money Multiplier Exist?

  1. sbh_home says

    “The loans come first, not the reserves” What your not saying is that is the wrong operating procedure. It is a fact that the money supply can never be managed by any attempt to control the cost of credit. Keynes’s liquidity preference curve is a false doctrine. The only tool at the disposal of the monetary authority in a free capitalistic system through which the volume of money can be controlled is legal reserves.

    It is also an historical fact that all prudential reserve banking systems have heretofore “come a cropper”.

    And New York Fed President William Dudley said “Money & banking textbooks written before 2008 are now obsolete as the FED now has the ability to pay interest on excess reserves.”

  2. sbh_home says

    “The loans come first, not the reserves” What your not saying is that is the wrong operating procedure. It is a fact that the money supply can never be managed by any attempt to control the cost of credit. Keynes’s liquidity preference curve is a false doctrine. The only tool at the disposal of the monetary authority in a free capitalistic system through which the volume of money can be controlled is legal reserves.

    It is also an historical fact that all prudential reserve banking systems have heretofore “come a cropper”.

    And New York Fed President William Dudley said “Money & banking textbooks written before 2008 are now obsolete as the FED now has the ability to pay interest on excess reserves.”

  3. fresnodan says

    “Moreover, if a financial institution gets into trouble from reckless lending or investing, it could sell its assets in order to cover its liabilities; but this would result in fire-sale prices”

    I agree with the point that lending is not reserve constrained and that lending comes first.
    But ask yourself a few questions: In such a system, what metric is used to say, Oh, determine who gets a loan for a house, and how much should the loan be for?
    If home prices are continually rising, due to the amount of credit available to buy houses, and rising house prices justify ever bigger loans to buy ever more expensive houses, what stops this process?
    A lack of new suckers. That is why I am proposing the fresnodan economic recovery program, NEWSUCKERS
    Novel economic work stimulas utility cumulation* kabuki expansion recovery statuteMerriamWebster tells me “cumulation” is a perfectly cromulent word

    1. Edward Harrison says

      @fresnodan:disqus In that case you support efforts like Simon Johnson’s too increase bank capital then? I certainly do. I think banks, especially investment banks, should be more highly capitalized. The 30-times leverage we saw in the lead up to the crisis was crazy and should not be permitted. Banks are not like other companies. Their balance sheets are not made up of long-lived fixed assets. Rather their balance sheets are highly liquid and often short-term – at least on the liability side. And that makes them different.

      1. fresnodan says

        I am just a simple microbiologist – your modern world of reserve requirements and Basel version 3.0 confuses and frightens me. But as you didn’t say anything bad about the proposed NEWSUCKERS program, you must think it plausible ;)
        Now, some might say, “What happens when everyone has a ginormous loan for a house and we run out of NEWSUCKERS? Oh people of little vision, we could certainly let everyone on the planet get a loan for a house in the USA. We had a strawberry picker with an annual income of 14K buy a house for 750K, with our innovative adjustable rate mortgages available here in CA with our innovative and honorable company, Country Wide. What with the coming negative interest rates, I fully expect a Chinese agricultural worker with an income of 2K (purchasing power equivalence) to be able to buy all the real estate in Law Vegas soon. Second, why stop at one house per family? Have 2 , 3 or 9 or 10.

        Why did we have the crash? We stopped making loans to new suckers, that’s why! People and their sustainability – in the long run, we’re all unsustainable.

        1. Edward Harrison says

          A l l   p o n z i   s c h e m e s   e v e n t i u a l l y   c o l l a p s e !  

  4. Anonymous says

    “Moreover, if a financial institution gets into trouble from reckless lending or investing, it could sell its assets in order to cover its liabilities; but this would result in fire-sale prices”

    I agree with the point that lending is not reserve constrained and that lending comes first.
    But ask yourself a few questions: In such a system, what metric is used to say, Oh, determine who gets a loan for a house, and how much should the loan be for?
    If home prices are continually rising, due to the amount of credit available to buy houses, and rising house prices justify ever bigger loans to buy ever more expensive houses, what stops this process?
    A lack of new suckers. That is why I am proposing the fresnodan economic recovery program, NEWSUCKERS
    Novel economic work stimulas utility cumulation* kabuki expansion recovery statuteMerriamWebster tells me “cumulation” is a perfectly cromulent word

    1. Edward Harrison says

      @fresnodan:disqus In that case you support efforts like Simon Johnson’s too increase bank capital then? I certainly do. I think banks, especially investment banks, should be more highly capitalized. The 30-times leverage we saw in the lead up to the crisis was crazy and should not be permitted. Banks are not like other companies. Their balance sheets are not made up of long-lived fixed assets. Rather their balance sheets are highly liquid and often short-term – at least on the liability side. And that makes them different.

      1. Anonymous says

        I am just a simple microbiologist – your modern world of reserve requirements and Basel version 3.0 confuses and frightens me. But as you didn’t say anything bad about the proposed NEWSUCKERS program, you must think it plausible ;)
        Now, some might say, “What happens when everyone has a ginormous loan for a house and we run out of NEWSUCKERS? Oh people of little vision, we could certainly let everyone on the planet get a loan for a house in the USA. We had a strawberry picker with an annual income of 14K buy a house for 750K, with our innovative adjustable rate mortgages available here in CA with our innovative and honorable company, Country Wide. What with the coming negative interest rates, I fully expect a Chinese agricultural worker with an income of 2K (purchasing power equivalence) to be able to buy all the real estate in Law Vegas soon. Second, why stop at one house per family? Have 2 , 3 or 9 or 10.

        Why did we have the crash? We stopped making loans to new suckers, that’s why! People and their sustainability – in the long run, we’re all unsustainable.

        1. Edward Harrison says

          A l l   p o n z i   s c h e m e s   e v e n t i u a l l y   c o l l a p s e !  

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