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Willem Buiter

Links: 2009-03-19

The dishonest "Blame Dodd" scheme from Treasury officials - Salon The AIG 2008 Employee Retention Plan - Tyler Durden President Barack Obama: Perhaps he can't fix it. . . - Telegraph Slaughtering sacred cows: it’s the turn of the…

Links: 2009-03-16 – blogger edition

I am a bit under the weather today so posting will be extremely light. I'll let my blogger brethren do the talking for me below. Barclays - spinning out of control - FT Alphaville The lies that banks tell and how journalists deal…

Links: 2009-03-15

The Latest on Bank Nationalization - John Lounsbury Bailoutspotting (Or The Search For The Great Financial Methadone Clinic) - Tyler Durden Nationalization and Capitalism - James Kwak Zombie solutions: The Good Bank vs Bad Bank…

Links: 2009-03-12

Glencore buys back debt - FT Alphaville The fix is in! MTM Accounting Deal On The Way. - Option Armageddon Greenspan Forgets Where He Put His Asset Bubble: Caroline Baum (My take on a re-post is here: The Blame Asia Meme) Climate…

Links: 2009-03-10

Predictions Whitney says credit cards are the next credit crunch - Reuters (I have also predicted that this would occur) S&P to bottom at 600 points in October: Merrill (More Predictions, this time from David Rosenberg)…

Links: 2009-03-05

Economist's View: "Ridding Ourselves of the Zombies" Wall Street on the Tundra - Ford Equitizing $10.4 Billion In Debt - Tyler Durden Follow the money to see Hungary's plight - BBC News FDIC Insurance Fund May Run…

Links: 2009-03-04

Treasury Loan-Modification Guidelines - Real Time Economics The unfortunate uselessness of most 'state of the art' academic monetary economics - Willem Buiter New York Tenants Could Benefit From Foreclosure - NY Times Property:…

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