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Willem Buiter

Links: 2009-02-27

Eminem's latest day in court likely to be felt far and wide - NZ Herald (this concerns a lawsuit on how much royalties artists should get fordigital music.  Steve Jobs is testifying.  It's a very big deal) A bruised Warren Buffett to look…

Links: 2009-02-22

More on That Dirty Word "Nationalization" and Possible Approaches - Naked Capitalism In Northern They Trust - Barron's ING’s Hommen May Consider Seeking U.S. Support After Review - 'Good Banks' Are the Cost Effective Way…

Links: 2009-02-20

The Austrian Economists: Rick Santelli Rant Ken Rogoff says Fed needs to set inflation target of 6pc to help ease crisis - Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, Telegraph Japan department store sales down 9.1% in January - Japan Economy News &…

Links: 2009-02-19

Below are the main stories I wish to highlight. There are a bunch of others in the newsfeed. The return of capital controls - Willem Buiter's Maverecon Fed cuts U.S. growth view and considers inflation target | Reuters Bank of England…

The European problem

Here is yet another post from early last year which presages all of the problems we are seeing today. As I have often written, the fake recovery is just an attempt to paper over these problems. It won't work. Where Ireland, Switzerland,…

Links: 2009-02-02

Happy Groundhog Day. By the way, the word on the street is that Germans who came over to Pennsylvania wanted to use hedgehogs in this mythical are-we-going-to-have -six-more-weeks-of-winter ritual. But, because there are no hedgehogs, they…

The Blame Asia Meme

There seems to be a blame game making the rounds in policy circles these days in which Asia is at fault for the credit crisis and economic downturn. The meme goes like this: Everything was fine until the Asians started manipulating their…

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