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The Last King of Scotland

In Scotland, one of the UK's most venerated names, the Royal Bank of Scotland, a bank that prints its own bank notes as legal tender, has been eviscerated by the over-leveraging and risk-taking of its CEO Sir Fred Goodwin. Sir Fred, an…

News round-up: 13 Oct 2008

Happy Monday! After weeks of dire news and falling markets, we are seeing a rally that might have legs. For those of us who don't want to see a global depression, that is very good news. Certainly, the markets have reason for rallying…

Another look at my 2008 predictions

In July, I made my ten predictions for the markets and global economy for the rest of the year. Some of my predictions were pretty pedestrians, and some were fairly bold. Let's take a look and see how I'm doing.Here's what I originally…

Recapitalising Britain

Prime Minister Gordon Brown has finally pulled the trigger. In the most momentous move yet in the credit crisis, the UK government is effectively partially nationalising the UK banking system. For months, I have maintained that the…

News round-up: 7 Oct 2008

The Credit Crisis has clearly moved on to Europe, as events there are showing the kind of crisis we have been seeing here.The UK Treasury has broached the possibility that it would buy equity in major British banks. Iceland is on the verge…

Writedown news: 13 Aug 2008

Below are the latest writedown stories from the web that I have seen. For the full timeline of news, visit my credit crisis timeline. Bloomberg recently updated their tally of writedowns to arrive at $501 Billion to date. That is on the…

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