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Mortgage meldown in Britain

The UK is in the throes of the worst of the mortgage meltdown. Financial shares are tumbling. Home builders face collapse. Many top names in British housing and banking have been caught out and are getting a deserved swift kick: Northern…

Lawmakers default on loans too

After stars like Evander Holyfield and Jose Canseco defaulted on their mortgages, who is immune: lawmakers? Think again. The Charlotte Observer has a story out today reporting that Julia Boseman, a North Carolina State Senator has fallen…

New Writedown Risk: Alt-A

The bloggers over at Calculated Risk have reported on a story making the rounds in the Internet. This story involves S&P's downgrade of Alt-A Residential Mortgage Backed Securities (RMBSs). The crux of the matter is that S&P…

Home Equity Lines Pulled

First the banks won't refinance, then they won't restructure mortgages, now they're pulling out all stops in this mortgage mess. They are pulling existing home equity lines of credit. That's right, in a feeble attempt to save their sorry…

Where’s HBOS?

Looking through old e-mails, I read an article from the FT in 2006 that surfaced claiming that HBOS (Halifax Bank of Scotland)were poised and ready to go offer loans for 125% of value. That's right, HBOS thought it a good idea to cover 95%…

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