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Ten Macro Observations to End The Week

By Marc Chandler The US dollar is going into month and quarter end on a soft note.  The greenback had been generally firm against most of the major foreign currencies, but the Japanese yen, since around mid-month, but the news stream…

Japan Today, Spain Tomorrow

By Marc Chandler The Bank of Japan did not disappoint and joined the ECB and Federal Reserve in taking new and non-traditional measures.The BOJ did practically everything that we outlined yesterdayand justified its move by downgrading its…

In Search Of Lost Demand

Why is the global economy hamstrung by heavy debts and weak banks? Or put another way, why doesn’t deleveraging happen, and the weight of debt reduce, and why doesn’t the economy expand so the weak banks can once more become robust and…

Why The Yen Rally May Not Last

The Japanese yen was hands down the best performing G10 currency in April, gaining about 3.3% against the dollar and 4.2% against the euro. It appeared to start the new month on a strong note, with the dollar falling to 2 month lows in…

Australian House Prices down 10% from Peak

Australian house prices peaked in June 2010. The motive force behind Australia’s bubble was the same as in the USA and Japan: accelerating debt drove rising house prices during the boom. Now in both those countries, decelerating debt is…

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