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News from around the web: 2009-09-04

Putting the ‘change’ back in “change you can believe in”: The two faces of Barack Obama – Marshall Auerback Is this the Warren Christopher Presidency writ large? Roosevelt Institute Braintruster Marshall Auerback argues that the…

News from around the web: 2009-07-27

The Sector Financial Balances Model of Aggregate Demand—Revised - Scott Fullwiler A great but dense analysis of the 1990s expansion and the present fiscal crisis Hotter weather fed growth of Incan empire - New Scientist Incan and…

Janet Tavakoli: C-Span Q&A

Below is a very good hour-long interview I spied earlier today with Janet Tavakoli, the author of a new book ”Dear Mr. Buffett.”  Hat tip Zero Hedge. I also linked out earlier today to a piece she wrote over at CNN on “What Wall Street…

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