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Bakken shale oil fields and peak oil

The top two stories in today's links are on shale oil and the fiscal cliff. I will concentrate on the shale oil issue and say a few parting words about the fiscal cliff. We have three articles on shale oil here and I think the lead article…

Investing tips from Hugh Hendry

This is a good interview with Hugh Hendry, who I always enjoy. It runs twenty minutes. Hugh Hendry, of Eclectica Asset Management, takes the long view on investing at The Economist's Buttonwood Gathering on October 25th 2012. He was…

Iran now in economic turmoil

By Win Thin Recent developments in Iran are worth discussing.  We feel that with Middle Eastern political risk on the rise lately, Iran is more likely to have the largest impact on global markets, while escalating tensions between Syria…

Oil’s Rising Baseline

Editor's note: the price plateaus mentioned in this article are all in nominal terms. When using inflation-adjusted prices, prices have still risen dramatically, though less dramatically. By Marin Katusa, Chief Energy Investment Strategist…

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