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Barack Obama

Barack Obama: candidate profile

As the Democratic and Republican Conventions have begun, most Americans are going to get political overload as they are inundated with a media blitz by the U.S. presidential candidates and the inane trivialities of our media-driven…

Personality type may decide elections

Voters in America are concrete, specific, and focused on the here and now by a margin of 3 to 1. To me, this has a real impact on the outcome of primary and Presidential races as candidates must speak in a way that resonates with those…

Obama is pro-Death Penalty

Obama in his move to the center is increasingly alienating social Liberals/fiscal Conservatives like myself. He is either pandering to social conservatives or he actually believesthis stuff or both. The latest move that demonstrates his…

Obama confounds civil libertarians

Count me in the crowd of Civil Libertarians who are perplexed by Barack Obama's move to the center and rejection of basic civil liberties. He has come out in favor of a bill on wiretapping proposed by the Bush Administration that gives…

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