Links: 2009-06-05

Today vs. the 1980-82 Recession - Menzie Chin "While the job losses, foreclosures, stock declines and other casualties of the current recession have been very painful, substantially more bad economic news is needed to make this…

Mossberg: Palm Pre to Rival iPhone

The Wall Street Journal’s Walt Mossberg has a nice video explaining how much he likes the new Palm Pre smartphone and why he thinks it could rival the iPhone going forward.  He thinks its a challenger to the Blackberry as well. It…

Links: 2009-06-04

I am on the road, so posting will be a bit light today.  Expect a post on jobless claims at a minimum. Rosenberg's VooDoo Lounge Tour Continues - Tyler Durden Very good CNBC appearance by Rosenberg. This is a 0-minute piece in 3 parts.…

Links: 2009-06-03 - Australia GDP rises 0.4% in first quarter "Australia has defied international trends to record a 0.4 per cent rise in gross domestic product for the first quarter compared to the same period last year, with economic growth…

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