News from around the web: 2009-09-07

There Is Another Shoe To Drop In The Global Economic and Financial Crisis - And The Focus Will Be On Europe’s Perifery | Edward Hugh A number of countries in Eastern Europe immediately come to mind - not only the Baltics, but also Russia,…

News from around the web: 2009-09-06

iPhone makes worldwide loss, says report While Orange and T-Mobile compete with O2 to sell the iPhone in Britain, a report by Denmark's Strand Consult reveals how it makes a loss for providers and struggles against other phones…

News from around the web: 2009-09-05

Troubles For 'Prime' Borrowers Intensify - The mortgage-delinquency rate among so-called subprime borrowers reached 25% in the first quarter but appears to be leveling off, rising only slightly in the second quarter. The pace of…

Must read books for a good laugh

If you’re looking for a good laugh over the weekend, you might try Dow 36,000 by James Glassman, just hired as custodian of the George W. Bush legacy (hat tip Scott). It’s about the new strategy for profiting from the huge rise in the stock…

China’s savings habit

I want to highlight the good work of the BBC again. The last time I featured one of the BBC documentaries, it was about (conspicuous) consumption in China and the push to get Chinese citizens to spend more in order to support the economy. …

News from around the web: 2009-09-04

Putting the ‘change’ back in “change you can believe in”: The two faces of Barack Obama – Marshall Auerback Is this the Warren Christopher Presidency writ large? Roosevelt Institute Braintruster Marshall Auerback argues that the…

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