Obama: Now watch this drive

Back in September I posted “Now watch this drive” to explain voters’ increasing alarm at Obama’s detachment from the economic problems of ordinary Americans.  Commenting on a video featuring a famous George W. Bush gaffe, I said:…

Zero rates do not promote saving

The New York Times points out that zero percent interest rates are not designed for savers. They are a tax on savers, especially the elderly living on a fixed income. Millions of Americans are paying a high price for a safe place to put…

Links: 2009-12-28

Calculated Risk: Government Housing Support Update Quantifying Eurozone Imbalances and the Internal Devaluation of Greece and Spain | Claus Vistesen Consumer Groups Lobby FTC To Block Googles Acquisition Of AdMob Calculated…

News from around the web: 2009-12-27

FT.com / Columnists / Clive Crook - The real missed opportunity in Obama's first year “Top Ten Reasons to Kill the Senate Health Care Bill” - Yves Smith Extinction Countdown: Man convicted for killing and eating China's last…

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