Links: 2010-08-19

Blog news alert: I am still away from the computer almost the entire day.I will be nearly back to normal posting next week. Full posting schedule will begin early in September. Also, while we have recently updated the blog theme, the…

On Human Psychology and Other Links

Psychology Links Catharsis « You Are Not So Smart Observations: Are some ADHD-labeled kids just young for their grade? High-flying women lie about sex too - Telegraph  Mom Sues NYC Chocolate Shop Over Breastfeeding…

Links: 2010-08-17

interfluidity » Monetary policy for the 21st century Choice Blindness | Wired Science | Only children not so lonely: Scientific American A CNN anchor expresses the crux of "mosque" opposition - Glenn…

Links: 2010-08-16

Economics of Contempt: The Fed's Backup Plan(s) for Lehman FT Alphaville » Germany and the 90% threshhold Wireless Is Not Different. You Can’t Be Half-Open - Tech Crunch Japan Economy Surpassed by China as GDP Is Less Than…

Links: 2010-08-14

Obama defends "Ground Zero mosque" - Glenn Greenwald - / Capital Markets - Sales of junk bonds set to reach new high Goldman CEO, others get millions from options| Reuters London: Teuerste Wohnung der…

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