Links: 2010-11-01

The Usual Fare Saudi Arms Deal is About Iran - Ron Paul Millions of homeowners keep paying on underwater mortgages - Chart of the week: Brazil’s shifting export structure | beyondbrics | Robo-Signing at…

Mortgage default as economic stimulus

Early in the year, I posted a few times on a coming wave of mortgage defaults generally and the economic effect of living in defaulted accommodation specifically. My conclusion at the time was that, while the consumer spending due to the…

This Week’s Most Popular Posts

Real Estate Investors or Speculators?: Casey Research's thoughts on risk management amongst real estate investors makes one wonder how much real estate activity is purely speculative. The Problem With QE2: Comstock Partners explains…

Links: 2010-10-31

Unemployment and Foreclosures | Credit Writedowns / FTfm - Edward Chancellor - Capt Bernanke on course for icebergs Frank Rich - The Grand Old Plot Against the Tea Party - Maureen Dowd - Can the Dude Abide? -…

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